
Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation.   Most people remember the ol’ RICE protocol.    For most patients experiencing plantar heel pain, the initial treatment recommendations for plantar fasciitis isn’t far off from this.

But how effective is the above and is rest and ice doing anything to support the healing of the tissue?

At Naboso, we have found a better way to reduce plantar heel pain and support tissue recovery.


The Plantar Fasciitis Recovery Sock


Naboso founder and functional podiatrist,  Dr Emily Splichal, has developed a recovery sock which targets the muscles, fascia and nerves found in the bottom of the feet.

Introducing the Naboso Recovery Sock.   Designed with banded arch compression and a stimulating texture inside the sock.


Benefit #1 – Arch Compression

Sometimes our feet just need a little TLC, and the Naboso Recovery Sock gives the perfect amount of support to the stressed plantar fascia.     FYI, it is impossible for tissue to heal if is continuously getting stressed and re-injured.

Currently in the market, most compressive socks provide arch compression which is placed towards the middle of the foot.   Sure this may be comfortable but it is not that effective at giving support to the plantar fascia.

In the Naboso Recovery Sock we provide arch compression towards the heel which is anatomically more accurate as this is where the plantar fascia originates.

Accurate arch compression = improved plantar fascia support.


Benefit #2 – Foot Circulation

This is the secret sauce of the Naboso Recovery Sock.

No other sock on the market is designed to support circulation to plantar nerves, foot muscles and plantar fascia.   The way that our socks improve circulation is through texture stimulation.

Within every sock you will find tiny pyramids, precisely shaped and designed, to get into the dermal layer of the foot.   Found within the dermis are thousands of tiny blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to our skin, nerves, muscles – and yes, our plantar fascia.

More circulation to tissue = improved plantar fascia healing


Want to get even more plantar fascial support?

Integrate the Naboso Neuroball with our 5 minute foot releases done daily.